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Give your contact centre flexibility with a callback option

Cut frustrating call queues by giving customers the option to schedule a callback at a time convenient for them.

Give customers the option of a callback from your contact centre at a time they choose

Lower abandonment rates

Enable customers to avoid waiting on hold by scheduling a callback.

Maximised agent productivity

Connect your customers to a contact centre agent by activating your callback option as soon as one becomes available.

Improved customer effort score (CES)

Eliminate frustrating queues that lead to high CES by giving customers the option to have a contact centre agent call them back.

Reduced costs

Free up IVR resources by automatically offering a callback option to customers on hold.

Enable customers to pursue conversations on their terms

Omnichannel callback

Choose a Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) solution that enables you to call back customers on any voice or digital channel.

Configurable callback option

Only offer a callback option to callers when hold times exceed a predefined threshold.

Agent-scheduled callback

Allow agents to request a callback on behalf of a customer during inbound or outbound calls.

Advanced callback cycles

Empower your contact centre agents to give customers a callback option depending on the status of their call.

Your customers want your contact centre to provide options, including the possibility to call them back at a time of their choosing.
Elisabeth De Longeaux Product Marketing Manager at Odigo
Elisabeth De Longeaux

Read more about implementing a callback strategy in your contact centre from our expert

Elisabeth De Longeaux
Elisabeth De Longeaux Product Marketing Manager at Odigo

See what a callback option can do for your contact centre

Show more
  • Omnichannel callback service
  • Increased agent productivity
  • Reduced telephony costs
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Learn more about how to optimise your customer and agent engagement

Unified agent console

Manage all channels in one intuitive console that can be integrated with your CRM and external business tools. Empower your agents with a console that provides comprehensive customer views over all channels.

360-degree customer overview

Aggregate data from every device, channel and business tools, such as your CRM. Achieve complete and comprehensive views of customers’ profiles and interaction histories.


Be more proactive and achieve customer loyalty by using outbound calls intelligently.

Softphone Web RTC

Provide real-time, next-generation phone line connections over the Internet. Give your agents the flexibility to communicate with customers wherever they are.

IVR payments

Offer secure interactions with a fully PCI-DSS certified solution. Utilise an IVR that enables convenient and secure methods to protect your customers’ confidential data and ensure encryption.

Interactive widget

Operationalise raw data so you can focus your efforts. Customise your console to only include the relevant information you need to drive your business and enable customer engagement optimisation.

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