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Easily address scalability issues in a cost-effective way thanks to the cloud

The agility to meet demands while controlling costs is becoming even more crucial for organizations juggling peaks and troughs in traffic. The cloud provides a robust platform that combines security and reliability with flexibility that ensures an organization maximizes its resources and operational efficiency.
Easily address scalability issues in a cost-effective way thanks to the cloud

The overview

A healthcare insurer wants to future-proof its operations by transitioning from legacy systems to the cloud. The COVID-19 pandemic crystallized the need to have flexible working models in place, along with the agility to quickly react to dynamic situations. Realizing the importance of scaling up resources short-term, cloud migration is essential for this organization.

The challenge

Ensuring continuity of service while increasing remote work capabilities for agents.

The healthcare provider wants to:

  • Have the capacity to scale up and down according to demands,
  • Find a CCaaS solution that adapts to their new hybrid working model and offers agents possibilities of working off-site,
  • Be prepared for every unexpected crisis or unplanned spike in customer traffic.

The solution

Cloud migration strategies must be tailor-made to an organization’s needs and goals.

Step 1: Immersion
A process involving business and IT teams establishes a complete understanding of challenges and enables the customization of cloud solutions for an organization’s needs.
Step 2: Identification
Adjusting key processes so cloud migration achieves seamless integration with existing business applications through a wide range of APIs.
Step 3: Test
Ensuring a CCaaS solution is customized to meet customer experience and business goals.
Step 4: Deployment
The final phase of migration begins only once a CCaaS solution is fully tested and integrated.

The benefits

24/7 resilient contact center services
Easily absorbed peaks
Work-from-home ready agents
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