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CX Performance and six ways to improve it with AI

CX Performance and six ways to improve it with AI
Hervé Leroux
Hervé Leroux Chief Marketing Officer

The goalposts, when it comes to top performance, perpetually shift with both advances in technology and changing customer expectations. Plan your next steps strategically with insights from over 1,000 European executives.

January 18, 2023 3 min of reading
modified on December 4, 2023

Customer experience (CX) should be the guiding principle for any change or performance drive. Without it, even though plans may be cost-effective or enhance convenience they may not meet customer needs or expectations and will ultimately fail. Using the responses from the AI for CX survey of over 1,000 business executives, conducted by Davies Hickman, find out how AI can improve CX and thereby performance.

Six crucial performance areas

It’s important for every contact center to know their strengths and weaknesses. A complete reorganization doesn’t happen often and even when it does it frequently rolls out in stages. This means a thorough understanding of performance not only helps prioritize changes it also creates a baseline to measure improvement. Doing so is easier than ever thanks to contact center technology which can calculate and track numerous KPIs.

The European executives who participated in the AI for CX survey were asked to rate their own contact centers in six areas:

  1. Cost efficiency
  2. Employee engagement
  3. Staff retention
  4. Delivering great CX
  5. Scoring highly on NPS and CSAT measures
  6. Selling effectively

Out of all six areas, delivering great CX had the lowest combined percentage of poor performers and executives who didn’t know their performance. CX to many is paramount to contact center success and a key focus for improvement efforts. It is also impacted by every other performance area.

When it came to staff retention, however, the data was a stark reminder that this topic remains a leading contact center pain point. 9% of executives rated their contact center as a poor performer and only 17% as an industry leader; not only was this the highest level of poor performers it was also the lowest level of leading performers. Curiously though, the ratings for employee engagement were relatively on par with the other categories. A reminder to contact centers that tackling turnover should utilize multiple strategies.

Six ways to improve CX with AI

The panel of survey questions found that European executive opinion supports six major ways of improving CX with AI. The first, is that armed with information about contact center performance it’s important to identify the right areas to use AI. Both problem areas and those others intend to focus their investments on should be factored into any competitive development plan. The survey results showed that improving customer satisfaction remained the most important business value for AI investment in 2022.

Customer satisfaction is a product of excellent CX. Once high-value areas for improvement have been identified the other universal and well-supported measures outlined in the ebook are a great starting place when deploying AI. Across all areas though, Executive opinion was clear, supportive customer-focused strategies are a top priority. Laid out in the ebook, the six ways to improve CX appear alongside the survey results and could be viewed as a targeted checklist to kickstart any AI investment plan.

Six CCaaS features can help you outperform the competition

Contact Center as a Service solutions are infused with AI and come with a host of features which can enhance CX and contact center performance. The most prominent include:

  1. Advanced IVR with automatic identification and secure payments
  2. Automated call distribution
  3. Omnichannel bot
  4. Speech-to-text
  5. Next-best-action suggestions
  6. Sentiment analysis

Many of these are driven by Natural language processing (NLP). This was the focus of the second AI for CX ebook and also draws survey-backed conclusions from the executive’s input.

CCaaS solutions spell success for contact centers

Odigo’s cloud-based CCaaS solutions are designed to deliver amazing customer-facing experiences while also supporting supervisors and agents. It makes no sense to invest in AI simply for the sake of having it, what is undeniably useful though is enhancing strategies with intelligent AI-driven solutions. When integrated into decision-making, working processes and interactions AI augments contact center capabilities with information. Odigo was named a Global Leader for the 3rd consecutive year in the ISG Provider Lens™ Contact Center as a Service 2022 report.

Odigo’s cloud platform is highly AI driven, enabling better customer and employee experience,” Dr. Kenn D Walters, Distinguished Lead Analyst at ISG.

We know that AI should be used as part of a comprehensive combination of software and strategy. Start discovering what we could achieve together by exploring all the survey findings and specific high-priority AI applications.

Chief Marketing Officer

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