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Customer experience training drives business, generates profits, and achieves results

Customer experience training drives business, generates profits, and achieves results
Alexandre Prévost
Alexandre Prévost Odigo Trainer, responsible for Odigo Academy

Providing employees with the best omnichannel tools is useless if customer experience (CX) training and education do not accompany implementation. Given the profound changes occurring in modern workforces and the constant advancements in technology, investing in omnichannel training is not only advisable to organizations, but vital.

May 11, 2020
modified on April 6, 2023

Customer success training: upgrading technology means upgrading staff

In today’s frenetic society, technological breakthroughs are transforming the way we live, work, and play at lighting speed. Cutting-edge omnichannel innovations offer truly limitless possibilities to those who seek to embrace change, achieve unprecedented success, and leave their competitors in a cloud of dust.

While the excitement surrounding cloud-based omnichannel solutions is often inspiring, pushing industries to new levels of competence, there is also an air of apprehension to unfamiliar technology. The best method to combating feelings of unease to technological advances is to ensure that proper instruction and coaching accompany implementation. Equipping staff, who truly act as brand ambassadors, with agile cloud software is wasted if they fail to appreciate the practicalities and benefits behind them. Successful organizations understand how essential customer experience training is, especially taking into account the technical leaps and bounds society has been making.

Indeed, according to Forbes Magazine, in 2018 almost $90 billion was spent on corporate training and development in the United States alone! Investing in employees’ training and encouraging their professional development has a profound impact on their attitudes and performance. Devoting resources to staff improvement enhances engagement, which in turn increases the likelihood of increased business success.

Practical, interactive customer experience training

Providing best-in-class omnichannel consoles and a channelless approach translates into operational efficiency, higher customer satisfaction levels, and increased business activity, quantitively and qualitatively. But maximizing the full potential of flexible, intuitive cloud solutions can only occur if employees are empowered with the knowledge and skills necessary to use them.

Customer experience training programs must educate clients on the wide array of features and functionalities of leading-edge CX cloud platforms. Experts, using sophisticated analytics, assess staff awareness and identify strengths and weaknesses while conducting laser-focused, customized CX training sessions that efficiently bring staff up to speed and enable them to properly train on their own.

The overarching aim of customer success training sessions is to endow trainers with the knowledge and skills to conduct subsequent training sessions for final users. Outreach and support given by customer experience trainers guarantee that organizations understand the full power of agile technology and use it to its greatest benefits. This means providing in-depth, practical training to:

  • Advisors-ambassadors tasked with interacting with customers and using tools to achieve world-class customer service,
  • Supervisors-team managers responsible for monitoring interaction flows and deploying agents to handle situations based on their availability and skillset,
  • Administrators-staff dedicated to configuring settings of the solution and ensuring operational efficiency.

Customized customer success training

Truly effective innovations are flexibly designed to meet different organizational needs-it’s not one size fits all. CX training workshops should likewise be catered to suit the intended scope of implementation, so every training session is tailor-made to strengthen a specific organization’s capabilities with cloudbased solutions. The ideal number of participants should range between 8-10 people as this ensures everyone receives personalized attention and instruction on becoming the best possible trainers.

Pre-session consultations are designed to ensure that all equipment requirements are met on the client’s end, while CX trainers provide training kits which include comprehensive reference materials and exercises. Time is money and effective trainers endeavor to optimize their workshops, thus the commitment to eliminating technical and logistical issues before training occurs.

Subscribing to the maxim that the best learning occurs while doing, lectures ought to be kept to a minimum. While presentations are utilized to introduce and explain concepts, most time should be devoted to practical work and learning the best practices of customer success training. Questions can be instantly addressed, and good habits will be instilled before bad ones have the chance to take root.

Ideal customer experience trainers are chosen based on their technical expertise and experience, but more importantly, on their interpersonal skills, passion, and empathy. The best trainers take pride in the meaningful links formed with clients in customer experience training programs, where the rapport generated between trainers and trainees is vital to establishing a positive environment for productive learning. The point of training is not to inundate with technical jargon and theory, rather, to use accessible language to explain to non-experts how easy forward-thinking cloud solutions can be.

Customer success training can be conducted in various phases, the most common of which is the ‘build phase,’ which occurs at the start of a project and is embedded in the total cost. However, there is an option to provide clarifications during the ‘run phase’ and the possibilities to supply post-training support just before going live and during the product launch. The range of applicability of training sessions and a team’s agility at complying with diverse strategies will attest to their capabilities at adjusting to various scenarios.

Agile customer experience training: constantly evolving

Though our trainers have vast experience and a track record of proven success, at Odigo we know that in a dynamically changing world, maintaining the status quo can be lethal to any organization’s progress. As such, our highly-successful customer experience training program is continuously being refined, reflecting internal advancements, responding to external realities, and anticipating future developments.

Noteworthy projects in the pipeline include supplementary CX training programs and a certification system that builds on the assessment and evaluation of Odigo trainers. Striving to be better is part of the Odigo DNA and helping others to be their best is integral to our ethos.

For more than three decades, Odigo has built a reputation for visionary innovations that have transformed the way businesses operate internally and externally. While Odigo has a proven track record of achieving results like increased operational efficiency, higher sales resolution rates, and unprecedented levels of customer satisfaction, the advantages don’t end there. Leading companies choose Odigo because it excels at helping organizations transition to an omnichannel approach to customer service. Implementing Odigo’s cloud technology means accessing a leading-edge product and gaining a partner who is committed to training your team in customer experience to unleash the full potential of Odigo’s forward-thinking cloud contact center solutions. Beyond designing state-of-the-art innovations, the Odigo brand is built on our commitment to our clients and dedication to contributing to their success.

Would you like to find out more about Odigo’s omnichannel cloud solutions?

Odigo Trainer, responsible for Odigo Academy

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