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Contact Center: Show your customers that they matter by using a smart Quality Management solution!

Contact Center: Show your customers that they matter by using a smart Quality Management solution!
Johanna Raux
Johanna Raux Bid Manager at Odigo

To ensure optimal customer satisfaction, organizations should start by making sure their contact center agents are as efficient as possible. A well-designed Quality Management solution can improve the performance of your agents by not only pinpointing their weaknesses but also by helping them improve through (self-)assessment processes and individual coaching. It will also assist in swiftly identifying the reasons for customers’ dissatisfaction.

February 18, 2020
modified on April 6, 2023

Do you want to simultaneously nurture the potential of your employees and ensure the quality of service of your organization? Then using a Quality Management solution based on a detailed analysis of customer interactions and a range of carefully selected service indicators can help you achieve this goal.

Quality Management (QM) is a process of continuous improvement that involves the contact center’s stakeholders with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction. It consists of surveying, measuring, analyzing, and then rating the performance of your agents along with the customer experience.

To do so, it is necessary to equip your team with a tool that allows them to have a 360° view of all interactions and quickly identify calls that generate dissatisfaction among your customers (which translates into a loss of time and money for your organization) and, more importantly, damage to your reputation!

The aim? To help your agents improve, ensuring better customer satisfaction.

Quality Management: How can you assess the work of your agents?

Assessing the work of your contact center agents starts by recording a number of calls along with what various agents are doing on their screens during these calls. However, it doesn’t stop there! This first stage needs to be followed by looking at their performance and evaluating the quality of the agents’ work.

Today, some contact centers still use Excel. However, just as with Workforce Management, a spreadsheet quickly shows its limitations when it comes to reporting and analysis.

A good Quality Management tool will allow you to automate the dispatching of calls to be auditted according to predefined criteria (call duration, number of calls on hold, waiting queue, phone number, etc.) to your supervisors. This saves time.

The supervisor, thanks to what they heard, will then be able to gauge the quality of the agent’s work using the assessment forms which are integrated into the tool.

But what exactly will be assessed? It depends on the scoring scheme set up by the company. Indeed, a good QM solution needs to be highly customizable. Not only does this allow the organization to decide how each category/question weighs in the final score, but also them to customize the format of the questions as desired (checkbox, yes/no, drop-down list, etc.).

A number of indicators are generally taken into consideration to appraise the proper functioning of a contact center with regards to the quality of its operations, such as:

  • The average processing time,
  • First call resolution rate,
  • The number of calls on hold,
  • Soft skills, such as a smile in the voice or the ability to demonstrate empathy,
  • The cability to abide by the regulations (compliance), e.g. by asking the necessary safety questions,
  • The skill to generate additional sales.

In addition, it is also possible to create assessment forms focused on the customer experience. The questions will then be centered on the customer (their feelings, their satisfaction at the end of the call, etc.).


Of course, a reliable Quality Management tool comes with the right support. Trainings are given to users (supervisors, quality managers, administrators, etc.) of the solution to teach them how to evaluate an agent, create a form, do a call search according to predefined criteria, conduct a coaching session within the tool, generate adequate reports, etc. Then users chosen internally by the organization will train the agents on how to use role-specific tools in the QM solution.

Making sense of reports

Multiple reports, with plenty of information, are available for a detailed analysis of these assessments. This analysis can be broken down by team, agent, or facility.

Thanks to these reports, you can measure agents’ progress over a given period of time, zoom in on a question or section of the form that seems to be problematic – where the score is lower than expected – or track the impact coaching has on the progress of agents.

Once issues have been flagged, these reports only make sense if corrective and collective actions are implemented. Among these are :

  • Targeted training to fill potential gaps in agents’ skills,
  • Coaching, integrated within the application, which allows you to communicate directly with agents in the tool and share comments and feedback,
  • The implementation of processes to improve agent and customer satisfaction.

A powerful Quality Management tool will also give agents the opportunity to listen to their own calls and perform self-assessment, as well as interact with their supervisor directly within the application (coaching). As a result, agents become more efficient and involved in their professional development.

Quality Management: How to implement the tool?

It is very straightforward to set up the tool. It takes about 2 months to deploy in your contact center after the initial training – as long as the clearly defined parameters on how the new processes will be utilized (in order to save time, increase satisfaction, etc.) are carried out at the same time.

The organization will need to think about:

  • The nature of the calls to be assessed,
  • The number of calls to asses, per officer, department, or team,
  • Coaching of agents (persons in charge, frequency, criteria),
  • The design of the assessment grids,
  • The reports required.

Quality Management: How does it benefit the contact center?

Setting up a Quality Management tool is an investment and the cost will vary depending on the number of agents. Ultimately, this can lead to a reduction in cost for the contact center.

However, unlike with Workforce Management, the ROI will not be immediately visible in terms of costs, but rather in terms of quality and processes, and this means an invaluable payoff: better customer satisfaction!

Everyone benefits from it: agents, customers, and users of this straightforward, ergonomic, and exhaustive solution.

With Odigo, put quality back at the heart of the customer experience

Quality should always be paramount to your organization, no matter what sector you are in. A smart Quality Management solution will help you improve your processes, increase the satisfaction of your agents and supervisors, and, above all, the satisfaction of your customers!

Make sure your contact center agents are at their best to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction. Would you like to experience Odigo’s Contact Center as a Service solution with Verint Quality Management built-in?

Bid Manager at Odigo

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